
We have had a fantastic week of activities, as I am sure you will have seen via our social media channels. Here at school, Year 7 and some of our Year 8 and Year 9 students have been involved in numerous events ranging from rock painting, animal sketching, gardening, health related activities, and dancing. Everyone I have spoken to has been really enthusiastic and loved what they have been doing. The good weather has helped and let’s hope this continues through to the end of term. More reports to follow next week when the various trips are back but it has been a great week all round.

I would like to thank all of the staff involved in delivering E week , including those who have spent the week away for their families with our students either in Germany, France, or the Isle of Wight. I’d also like to congratulate the students for being exceptional once again, including our Year 10 students who have been out on work experience. The reports that we have received from the various employers have been equally impressive. Well done everyone

We also heard this week from the company who have installed our solar panels both at Sandringham and in other schools across our trust. They wanted to let us know that as a result of the 1962 panels that have been installed, they will be planting 589 trees as part of their commitment to sustainability. These trees will be planted in Nepal as part of the Red Panda project. We’ve included a few more details later on in the Sandprint in case you are interested. It’s really humbling for us to know that in a small way we are helping sustainable projects in other parts of the world.

We are back to normal next week with everybody on site and as I’m sure you’re aware, it is Arts Week. The Arts Team have planned an amazing week of activities, including a drama showcase on Monday evening, music concerts on Tuesday evening and summer dance show on Wednesday evening all in the SandPit Theatre. 

Next week, we welcome our new Sixth Form students who are coming in for induction ready to start in the Sixth Form from September. With well over 300 attending, the school is going to be busy once again. We look forward to meeting everyone. I know they will be really excited with what is on offer in the Sandringham Sixth Form.

Finally, next Friday evening is the Year 11 prom, which is one of the highlights of the year.  If you are out and about at around 6 to 7 o’clock near to the school, I’m sure you will see a lot of very smartly dressed people and some very exotic modes of transport bringing them to the prom. We will take lots of photographs to showcase this lovely event and share some in a future edition of the Sandprint.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend

Mr A Gray

Upcoming Dates

24th Jun - Monday 24th - 28th June - Arts Week
24th Jun - 7:00 PM Summer Drama Showcase
25th Jun - 7:00 PM Summer Music Concert
25th Jun - 6:00 PM Music Tour Information Evening
25th Jun - Visual Arts Exhibition
26th Jun - Wednesday 26th - 27th June - Sixth Form Induction
26th Jun - 7:00 PM Summer Dance Show
28th Jun - 6:30 PM Year 11 Prom

Absence Line

Phone: 01727 799564

Absence Email: (Available 24 hours) absence@sandringham.aat.school

Please report ALL absences before 9:15am on the first day of absence and every morning thereafter.

Mr S Kemp
Assistant Headteacher

Headteacher Commendations





School News


As mentioned in the Headlines, in our effort to be more sustainable across the Trust, we have now installed 1962 panels across Ridgeway, Sandringham and Verulam. We chose Earthpoints Ltd for this project as this company plant trees when they install panels, and with three planted for every 10 panels that they put in place- this means that they have now planted 589 trees for the installations they have made at AAT schools to date.

Earthpoints use TreeApp to carry out this planting, working directly with local teams and planting in a number of locations across the world. The 589 trees for the AAT installation will be planted in the Red Panda project in Nepal. Not only does this area have a good track record in terms of trees planted and survival rates, but this planting will also add to the habitat for some endangered species namely red pandas and leopards.

This means that not only will the Trust continue to reduce its carbon footprint by installing and generating clean energy, but these trees will ensure an added and ongoing carbon effect and provide a habitat for endangered species, which increases the benefit to the planet even more.

Ms M Holian


Our finance team have set up an account with “easy2name.com”, an online company which provides name labels for clothes and equipment, which will allow us to raise some money through their fund raising scheme. When a parent places an order through www.easy2name.com and selects our unique school code, FR-SAND-85, at checkout, Sandringham will earn 20% of the order value and the parent will receive free delivery.


Mrs L Stuttard


We are looking for donations of unwanted but good condition parasols with or without base please.We would love to re-use them for our Staff Garden as the weather has improved.

Mrs L Dennis


 A quieter house week with the majority of students out of school on various trips. Well done however to 

Walid S (9E), Oscar S (8T), Dylan D (7F) and Tenka L (7T) who all gained the highest house points this week.


  • Fit for Life week (1st -5th July)
  • Sports Day (Wednesday 3rd July)
  • Charity run (Friday 5th July)
Ms M Holian


Melville from Year 7 had the following to say about his first E Week at Sandringham. 

I have really enjoyed E Week especially visiting Stanborough Lakes. That was very exciting! We had to use team building skills for raft building and I learnt a new skill of how to tie ropes. On the other days we have had the chance to do something we really enjoy. For me, that is sport and it has been fun to hang out with my friends more not in lessons. The Mini euros football tournament was great and I've also met some students in different year groups. Today has been really fun,  racing on the inflatables. It has been the best week of Year 7.

Evie, Eliza and Isabella also said:

"It’s been a chilled week, a really nice way end Year 7 doing fun activities in the sunshine. Highlights have included stand up paddle boarding (especially pushing each other off!) rafting and everyone jumping around in water and having fun. Six the Musical was also great. It was nice to go into London with friends and inspired us all. The Dance in a Day was fun, learning a routine using songs from Mamma Mia and Barbie and we can't wait to perform it in our first Summer Show! It's been really fun!

Ms M Holian


We are in the process of pairing up Sandringham students with the French students from our partner school in Annecy for next year’s French Exchange.   We have lots of Sandringham students signed up, but are in need of some additional Sandringham families to host a French student when they are here from 13-19 March 2025.   Anyone from Year 7 or 8 studying French who does offer to host this year, would be given priority for a place on the Exchange in 2025/2026 should they wish to take part.  However, it doesn’t matter what year group your child is in or what language they are studying, as taking part in the French leg of the trip is not necessary to host. If this is something you might be able to help with, please get in touch with Mrs Webb in MFL.  Merci beaucoup!

Mrs C Webb


Written by Gabs B and Kenzie B

This week has been excellent! We have been to Heartwood Forest where we learnt survival skills, forest bathing, den building and we used water colours to paint trees and flowers. Be Active was really fun as we did lots of energetic activities like Capture the Flag, football, basketball and a treasure hunt around the school involving finding different countries. Gardening taught us new skills such as planting trees and how to look after the environment. Today we have been doing a fun quiz trying to work out pictures of teachers and later we are watching a movie in the Sandpit and going on the inflatables. It has been nice to mix with Year 7 and Year 9 and get to know other students around the school and meet new teachers who haven't taught us before.  It has also been good to not have homework and wear our own clothes. It has been nice to go to different places and to be in a more relaxed atmosphere with our friends. Thanks to the teachers for putting on all of these fabulous activities that everyone could get involved in. 

Ms M Holian


Written by Sara E

On Monday, I did Dance in a Day which was really fun, learning a combination of three songs to create a dance for the Summer Show. This was great as we got a chance to work with students in different years and the end result was amazing. I can't wait to perform it next week! On Tuesday, I had chosen textiles where I got to make a bag with a seaside theme. Using the sewing machines was really fun and it was interesting to learn different types of stitching. Wednesday was a chance for students to do rock painting and learn other new artistic skills. Yesterday was the BEST day as we got the chance to go to London to see the musical SIX. It had a great storyline about history, giving  Henry VIII's wives their own voices. It really inspired me with my own acting and singing and I would definitely recommend the show to anyone. Today we have been doing quizzes, and I am looking forward to going on the inflatables later. I always enjoy E Week as we are able to choose our own activities and expand on skills we already know and also learn some new skills. Thanks to all of the staff for arranging such a fun week for the students. We are really grateful.  

Ms M Holian


A reminder that our annual summer arts exhibition on Tuesday 25th June which runs from 5.30pm-6.45pm in the Visual Arts faculty. We will be exhibiting the work of our GCSE and A level students and hope the occasion will provide a wonderful opportunity to celebrate their achievements. The students have worked incredibly hard this year and have produced a stunning range of final outcomes in a range of media. Work exhibited will include a selection from Fine Art, Photography and Textiles. We hope you will be able to join us for this annual event which is always a highly enjoyable event for friends and family to view the work of our students.

Mrs S Gidden


We hope that students have enjoyed the vast array of activities on offer for E Week. If you haven't already made your contribution for your child's activities via ParentPay - please could you do so asap.

Mr A Cracknell


As mentioned previously, Fo$S will be holding a second hand uniform sale on Saturday 22nd June under the canopy by Main Reception. This will take place between 11am-midday. Please do pop along - all money raised goes towards buying equipment for students around the school.

Also a plea from Fo$S- as several members are leaving this year, they are looking for new members to help out with this and other events. Non uniform sales are an easy way to help out and raise money. They hold 3-4 per year and the time commitment is just setting up and clearing down. Anyone interested, please contact the admin address and we can pass the message on. 

Ms M Holian


Sandringham are currently looking for a Learning Supervisor to join our fantastic school. More information is available on our website here.

Please share with friends who may be interested.

L Lee


Year 10 students have been on their work experience placements this week and we have received fantastic feedback on their attitude to work. Some student quotes include:

  • “It is a really good experience, particularly as I am gaining a deeper understanding of how businesses work first-hand”
  • “I value the opportunity to look at how a business operates, as I am keen to take Business at A Level”
  • “I am following routines and learning key skills, like being patient if the pupils (primary school) are having behaviour issues”

Employers have said:

  • “Rosa is working hard and is very friendly”
  • “Aaron is happy and engaged”
  • “Lucas is very friendly and proactive”
  • “Cerys is extremely positive and polite”

Pictured here are Thibaut on his placement in London and Laura and Emily at a local nursing home.

The feedback is a joy to receive.  Well done to all of the Year 10 students.

Mrs C Eady

Literacy News


FRENCH: Le mot de la semaine: l’Indolence 

GERMAN: Das Wort der Woche: Die Faulheit 

SPANISH: La palabra de la semana: La indolencia

Thinking Question:

  • The French and English words this week are very similar - why do you think French and English have many common words?



Miss F Baikie

BOOK OF THE WEEK: Anything is Possible, by Gareth Southgate

You have the potential to make anything possible.

In this hugely positive and helpful book, Gareth gives you the tools to be confident, resilient and to overcome your own challenges for your exciting journey ahead, wherever it takes you.

BE BRAVE: Bravery is not just the kind of heroic act that earns a medal. It's the quality we need to step out of our comfort zones and take on new challenges.

BE KIND: A force for good that comes from the heart, kindness changes lives. It opens up opportunities and can be our greatest strength.

FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS: We all have a story to tell in life. It's down to us what it will be about. So, let's begin writing your story - and make it one that truly shines.

The Euros are in full swing and Enrichment week is coming to an end. What better book to tie the two events together than Gareth Southgate’s “Anything is Possible”. We are sure that the England team have read this one from cover to cover. Happy reading!  

Mrs S Thomas


I is for ... indolence[noun]

Definition: The state of showing no real interest or effort.

Example: After a sudden burst of activity, the team lapsed back into indolence.

Synonyms: Disinclination, Idleness

Antonyms: Inclination, Energy

Etymology: .Derived from the Latin ‘indolentia’ meaning freedom from pain.

PE News


A fairly quiet week of sport ahead but the following week, we have our final athletics fixtures of the season. Good luck everyone!

Mr D Keenleyside


Good luck to Luke C, Harry W & Erin R as they represent @HertsSchoolsAA  at the Regional combined events this weekend. 

Mr D Keenleyside


Congratulations to Toby R, Olivia G & Erin R who we have just heard broke District athletics records at the Championships last week. A phenomenal effort from our athletes this season!

Mr D Keenleyside

Sandpit Theatre

PUSS IN BOOTS 14th December - 29th December 12pm & 3pm

Following the fantastic success of ‘Hansel and Gretel’ & ‘Rapunzel’ our creative team are back with a Brand New pantomime adventure based on the classic tale.

 Puss In Boots and the Pea Green detective agency are ready to save Pantoland from a terrible threat!

The Hickory Dickory Dock clock has been stolen and someone is messing with the pantomime timeline. The police are struggling to sniff out a suspect and things are getting stranger by the hour! Join Puss In Boots on their epic quest to bring the time thief to justice. This sword-swinging, paw-scratching, time-stopping pantomime is an action packed treat for all ages!

Tickets are on sale here and cost from £10.00

Miss A Carter-Downing