
The new school year has begun and it is lovely to see new and existing students arrive today, ready for 2022 – 2023.

As usual, 240 Year 7 students have begun their journey through the school. I am sure they will have a great time and be very successful in the process. Many of these families are new to Sandringham so a very warm welcome to you. The new Year 12 now includes 285 students, our largest year group by far. This includes the majority of ex-Year 11 Sandringham students who have progressed to the Sixth Form together with a significant number of students joining us from other schools. I am sure they will settle in quickly and really enjoy their time here.

The examination results this summer were very strong once again. In the Sixth Form, the average grade achieved at A-Level was an A-, across all subjects and 239 students. This meant that progress to university or apprenticeship went smoothly and there were many happy young people. At GCSE, it was a similar story with wonderful results in all subject areas allowing these students to progress their learning either at Sandringham or local colleges. I would like to congratulate all these students on their achievements – we are very proud of you. Well done everyone.  

Next week is our first full week of the year. The school calendar is up and running to help you track what is going on. The first event for Year 7 families is the annual Sausage Sizzle on Friday 9th – 7.00 p.m in the main hall. More details about this are further on in the Sandprint and we look forward to seeing you there.

Finally, a reminder that the school day has changed. The start time remains the same – students should be on site by 8.20 am for an 8.30 am start. However, we have extended morning tutor time by 5 minutes which means the rest of the day moves back and we now finish at 3.05 pm. The bus times have been adjusted so we hope there are no problems with transport – but do let us know if things are not quite right and we will see what we can do.

Best wishes

Mr A Gray

Upcoming Dates

03rd Sep - 10:00 AM Second Hand Uniform Sale- C Block Canopy
09th Sep - 7:00 PM Year 7 Sausage Sizzle
12th Sep - 9:00 AM Open Morning Tour
13th Sep - 6:30 PM Year 12 Information Evening
15th Sep - 6:30 PM German Exchange Information Evening
16th Sep - 9:00 AM Open Morning Tour

Absence Line

Phone: 01727 799564

Absence Email: (Available 24 hours) absence@sandringham.aat.school

Please report ALL absences before 9:15am on the first day of absence and every morning thereafter.

Mr S Kemp
Assistant Headteacher

Headteacher Commendations





School News


Tickets are on sale now for our very own Pantomime produced by The SandPit Theatre! ‘Hansel and Gretel’ will feature a professional cast and be performing throughout December. Get your tickets now at www.HanselAndGretel.co.uk




For those of you new to the school, each week we run a feature in the Sandprint called the "Student Spotlight" which highlights the amazing achievements of our students that week. This can be something they have done in the community, a sporting achievement, art or music success, academic brilliance, or anything where they have gone above and beyond. 

If you would like to nominate a student, please email melissa.holian@sandringham.herts.sch.uk with any photos/details that you would like included. We would love to hear from you. 


Today VanCols were onsite to take the individual and form photographs for Year 7 and Year 12. All students were given a form with a QR code and details on how to register if you would like to place an order. VanCols will then email you to let you know when the photographs are ready. If your child has lost their form, please wait until mid September (when the photographs will have been uploaded) and email the admin address to get your code.

Years 8-10 will have their photographs taken in October/November and further details will be communicated then. 


There will be a second hand uniform sale tomorrow, Saturday 3rd September from 10-11am outside C Block at Sandringham School. If you have any last minute donations of good quality uniform, please could they be dropped at 15 Skyswood Road beforehand. All proceeds go to FOSS (Friends of Sandringham School.)



Miss Davies and Miss Wilson can't wait to see everyone at dance clubs and company auditions this year. Dance clubs start from Monday 5th September, and you can sign up on SOCS now (or come along and they will add you).  

Any questions, please email Miss Davies. See you in the Dance studio.



Above is the Music Faculty extra-curricular programme for this term – all of these groups are live on SOCS so please sign up now, or come along on the day.

Instrumental and Vocal Lessons

Lessons will be commencing over the next week if you have signed up or registered your child for instrumental or vocal lessons either through Herts Music Service or directly through school, or if your child is continuing from last year. Timetables will be displayed on the noticeboards in the Music Faculty so please remind your child to pop down and check carefully. If your teacher is provided through Herts Music Service, those lessons will commence week beginning 12th September and you should hear directly from your child’s teacher about the time and date of the first lesson.

If you would like your child to begin learning a musical instrument or receive vocal lessons it is not too late to register. Please click here for a letter with all the details and digital links to sign up.


Dance company auditions are over the next 2 weeks so please check the days and times carefully in the picture above and come along if you would like to take part!


A reminder that next Friday, 9th September 7-9pm is our Sausage Sizzle for Year 7 students and parents. This will take place in the Main Hall and thanks to those who have already bought tickets. If you would still like to come, you can pay for tickets on ParentPay and complete the Google form here to indicate what your food/drink preferences are. We look forward to welcoming new parents and students then.