
We are almost at the end of the Spring half-term and it has certainly been a busy one.

Velocity started yesterday evening and was amazing. It was so nice to be back in action again after two years, and the enjoyment was clearly evident.  There were hundreds of students involved and every one of them really enjoyed performing for the audience. Congratulations to all the students involved, either performing or working backstage, for participating and making Velocity 2022 so memorable and a very big thank you to Ms Davies and Ms Wilson from the Dance Faculty and the SandPit Team led by Ms Anker for making this happen. Well done everyone. More pictures are under Student Spotlight News.

Speaking of teachers, now is the time to apply to train to become a teacher with The Alban Federation, if this is something you have been considering. We are running a special webinar on Wednesday 23rd March (5.30 – 6.45 p.m.) where you can find out more, and the exciting bursaries now being offered in many subject areas. All you need is a degree, a passion for your subject and the ability to communicate to younger audiences. You will be really well looked after throughout your training year which is delivered here at Sandringham. If you want to know more, you can register here

You will have received the communications from Mr. Nicholls this week about our biennial school review, run by Kirkland-Rowell. This involves a questionnaire for parents, one for students and one for staff. This year it is on-line which, apart from being more sustainable, should also be easier for you to complete. We have completed this every two years since 2006, and very much hope you are able to spend a short time giving us your views of the school to help with our on-going improvements. Whilst we are pretty good there is always room for improvement, hence the need for your feedback. Thank you in advance for your help.

Finally, we have seen a small spike in Covid cases amongst our Year 7 students, possibly because these students have yet to be vaccinated, or only received their first vaccination a week or so ago and not yet provided the level of immunity required following a first dose. The good news is that students are off school for less time, and we very much hope that with the improving weather and greater number of Year 7 students vaccinated that we can resume normal service again.

Next week is a short week – Monday – Wednesday before the well-earned half term break. Have a great weekend.

Mr A Gray

Upcoming Dates

07th Feb - Year 12 Work Experience Week
09th Feb - Sixth Form Expedition to Vietnam and Cambodia
10th Feb - INSET Day
11th Feb - INSET Day
14th Feb - Half Term
22nd Feb - 6:30 PM Senior Recital Evening
24th Feb - 6:30 PM Year 9 into 10 GCSE Options Evening

Absence Line

Phone: 01727 799564

Absence Email: (Available 24 hours) absence@sandringham.aat.school

Please report ALL absences before 9:15am on the first day of absence and every morning thereafter.

Mr S Kemp
Assistant Headteacher

Headteacher Commendations


Annabelle F9FGeography
Archie W9SArt
Ava H7SFrench
Charlee H9FArt
Eleanor W7JMaths
Fabio A10TMaths
Gabby R7TFrench
Gabby R7TMaths
Hattie J7EFrench
Huwie M9FArt
Jacob B7FMaths
Jasmine P7TFrench
Lilah F9EArt
Livvy H7TFrench
Micah O9EArt
Molly F10FMaths
Noah S7NMaths
Noah W10SMaths
Rose M7HMaths
Sienna K10SMaths
Sophia P9FGeography
Sophie D7FMaths
Tai S7SMaths
Zakira K9EArt


Amelie L7T Pastoral
Daisy D7J Pastoral
Freddie M7H Pastoral
George S7J Pastoral
Georgia T7S Pastoral
Hina B7S Pastoral
Ibrahim Y7N Pastoral
Laila Z7H Pastoral
Matthew J7A Pastoral
Raphael C7T Pastoral
Reuben M7N Pastoral
Sadie B7N Pastoral
Seb B7A Pastoral


Cam H8TEnglish


School News


As mentioned in Mr Gray's Headlines, last night was the opening performance of Velocity and it was certainly a night to remember. Despite some last minute changes due to rising cases of Covid in Year 7, the show still went on. You can still buy tickets for tonight's performance and the matinee and evening show tomorrow on the Sandpit website and you can also buy the professional photos in the Sandpit foyer. Well done again to all of the students and staff involved! 

If you would like your child featured in the Student Spotlight, please send any photos/details to Melissa.holian@sandringham.herts.sch.uk This can be an academic achievement, something in the arts, in the community, in the sporting field or anyone who you think has gone above and beyond. We would love to hear from you. 


Students have been busy enjoying the new equipment bought with money raised by Fo$S this week including LED rayboxes, mini balances & timers. As we mentioned previously, the Christmas Fair raised almost £5,000 so it is lovely to see the funds being put to good use.

Details of the next Fo$S event are in a separate article so please save the date to join what is set to be a fun evening, with all profits going towards equipment in the school to benefit students.

Ms J Sutton


Our senior recital evening will be taking place on Tuesday 22nd February at 6.30pm in The Sandpit Theatre. This is a fantastic solo performing opportunity for students in Years 10-13 who would like to perform on their instrument or sing. Students can sign up to take part by adding their name to the list on the noticeboard in The Music Faculty or by speaking to Mrs Beaton or Miss Stothard for more information. Tickets are now on sale so please do join us for a lovely evening of high quality performances.

Mrs E Beaton


Our Local Area Youth Orchestra, Philomusica, will be holding auditions over the next few weeks for new players. The standard is around Grade 6+ and all orchestral players are welcome.  They are particularly looking for violinists, violas, trumpeters, oboists and lower brass. Philomusica is a long established orchestra with a great repertoire.  Performances take place in prestigious venues across Hertfordshire and beyond.  Now is a perfect time for new members to join, as they begin on new repertoire.

For further information on auditions and also to hear them in action, click on this link!



Mrs E Beaton


Directors of Learning have been busy for the past few weeks nominating students for the Autumn 2021 Roll of Honour. Each term, a student is selected from each year, in each subject, to be recognised for their hard work. This can be academic progress or a student who has shone through the effort they are showing in lessons. Students will receive a physical certificate from their form tutors and Star Students (a student who is picked in each subject across all years as being outstanding) will also have a small citation written about them. All of the nominees are displayed on boards around the school to highlight their achievements and also for other students to aspire to. Well done to all of those who have been recognised for Autumn 2021!


We’re happy to announce an exciting opportunity for students in Year 8 and 9 who are studying German: to participate in our Exchange Programme to Hamburg. The Exchange has been running for many years and has provided students of all abilities with a wonderful opportunity to immerse themselves in German culture and practise language in real situations. All details have been sent to the relevant year groups. Places are limited, however,  in the first instance you should express your interest via instructions in the online letter.  Please speak to Ms Kincaid should you require more information. 

Mrs E Kincaid


February is LGBT+ History month. Please visit the LRC to see our fantastic range of LGBTQ+ fiction and non-fiction. 

Ms J Kirby


Last week we wrote to let you know about the very kind donation of a mixed plastic recycling box the school has received which is situated in Student Services.  We have had some questions from students and staff on what can be put in the box for recycling, items accepted include;

  • PPE (face masks, plastic gloves, visors etc.)
  • Lateral flow testing kits
  • Cleaning products & packaging
  • Art supplies
  • Non-recyclable food packaging
  • Office supplies (pens, packaging etc.)
  • Shipping materials (bubble wrap, cellophane etc.)
  • And any other miscellaneous, non-recyclable plastic items.

A full list of accepted and unaccepted items is displayed above the recycling box. Sandringham School again would like to thank the Li-Owen family for their very kind donation.


Chartwells are pleased to let you know that the Spring/Summer term will be bringing a number of pop up events to the Canteen featuring food from around the world. Please see the upcoming dates below:

  • February- Greek Flatbreads
  • March- Pancake Day
  • April- Wing 'n' Things
  • May- Burrito & Wraps
  • June- Loaded Dogs
  • July- Bihar Bites
Mrs L Earley


This week, Year 9 were given an informative assembly on the next stages of choosing the options for their GCSEs. A booklet was sent electronically, along with a letter to your child's mysandstorm with log in details to make their choices. Listed below are the key dates for Year 9, so please make a note of these if relevant.

Thursday 24th February: Year 9 into 10 Options Information Evening, 6.30pm

Tuesday 1st March: Year 9 Virtual Parent Teacher Consultation 4.30pm – 7.30pm

Friday 4th March: Final deadline for return of the options form online.

March: Options interviews with Deputy Headteacher if necessary

w/c 16th May: Year 9 exam fortnight

End of June: Year 9 options confirmed


We hope that you have saved the date of Friday 18th March at 7.30pm for the return of the Fo$S quiz night. There will be prizes, food and drinks and ticket prices will include a fish and chip supper (sausage and vegetarian options available). Details on how to buy tickets to follow shortly. We hope to see you there.

Mr L Miller


This has been a busy month for students in D&T with Year 9 practising with pro-markers on their designs for vehicles for the year 2060, Year 10 making electronic dice and Year 12 working away in the design studios. It's great to see the next generation of product designers, architects and engineers enjoying new projects and we look forward to sharing more of their work in the coming weeks.


This week’s whole school theme recognised Safer Internet Day. Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people, and to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically, and creatively. Safer Internet Day 2022 is on 8th February and will be celebrated with the theme ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’. The students received an excellent assembly from Assistant Headteacher, Mark Allday, which got them to reflect on the persistence of online safety issues for young people despite extensive education programmes. We encourage all students to use what they know about how to stay safe online and to seek help from school if they ever need support. 

Miss K Wills


A huge thank you to Mr Clarke and the Maths faculty for running House Maths on Wednesday. It was great to see so many students enjoying the afternoon and being suitably challenged. The results were:

1st - Hepworth, 2nd - Shakespeare, 3rd - Johnson/Austen, 5th – Newton, 6th – Fawcett, 7th – Turing, NR - Elgar

Hepworth still retain their lead overall but with house points being added to this week’s totals and every student in attendance receiving the ‘Interhouse Participation’ Achievement on EPraise everything could change so watch this space.

Mr A Cracknell


A polite reminder that all absences should be reported before 9.15am by calling 01727 799564 or emailing absence@sandringham.herts.sch.uk  Also, if you have changed any of your contact details, please email data@sandringham.herts.sch.uk in case we need to contact you in an emergency. 

Students Services is available for the following services:

School Shop: Selling items such as book covers, stationary, ties and calculators, records of achievement. 

First Aid: If you are feeling unwell or have hurt yourself at school, please go to Student Services and they will make the call home

Lost Property: Please check here if you have lost property in school. Items will be held for a maximum of two weeks 

Lockers: There are still plenty available from Student Services for the rental of £5 per school year.

Mrs S Francis


Marlborough Science Academy is hosting an Apprenticeship, Careers and Higher Education Fair on Wednesday 2nd March 2022 from 5.00pm to 8.00pm in their Da Vinci Hall which is open for Year 8-13 students and parents to attend.

The event has been designed for students to be able to gain information on the types of apprenticeships, careers opportunities and higher education that are currently on offer from employers/colleges and to understand how these work in conjunction with the training providers.  It will be an excellent opportunity for both students and parents/carers to see what offers are currently available.

There are a variety of companies and training providers that have confirmed their attendance such as Amthal, Oaklands College, Army Outreach, Oxford Brookes University, Falmouth University, Royal Navy & Royal Marines, Health & Care Academy, Services for Young People, NHS, Specsavers, Herts Fire and Rescue, The Waterman Group, MBDA

Each of these companies will have a stand for you to visit and ask questions as applicable to you.


Mrs V Boost


We have the following support staff vacancies currently available. Please click on the links below or go to our website for more details.

Exams Assistant

Deputy Data Manager




Mrs K Ward

Literacy News


FRENCH: Le mot de la semaine- désirer

GERMAN: Das Wort der Woche- sich sehnen

SPANISH- La palabra de la semana- añorar

Thinking Questions

Language is an important part of culture and heritage. What can learning a language teach us about a culture or the heritage of a country?

Miss F Baikie


With February being the month of Valentine's Day we thought we would highlight some of the romance books available in the library, should you wish to read them. Students are welcome to browse the shelves at break and lunch, and our team of librarians are always available to help. We have romance novels and friendship stories appropriate for all year groups, along with plenty more books. Please pop along to see what our fantastic LRC has to offer.

Miss E Critchley


Inspired by her stay at the real Jamaica Inn on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall, ‘Jamaica Inn' is a novel by the English writer Daphne du Maurier, first published in 1936. It is set in Cornwall in 1820 and the main character is 23 year-old Mary Yellan who lives on a farm in west Cornwall. She is a quiet but determined young woman who plans to remain single forever. She has watched men subdue her friends, turning them into housewives with no voice or opinions. She doesn’t want the same fate for herself. A Gothic classic,  ‘Jamaica Inn’ has been described as ‘Wuthering Heights’ meets ‘Twilight’ - why not read it and see what you think? 


Ms K Bulbeck

Word of the Week

Y is for… yearn [verb]

Definition: Have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from.

Example: He yearned for a glimpse of them.

Synonyms: Covet, Hanker, Thirst

Antonyms: Dislike, Hate, Despise

Etymology: Derives from the Old English word ‘giernan’, which has a Germanic base meaning eager.

PE News


The U13 Girls Basketball Team had a very even and exciting match against Queens this week, which went down to the last 20 seconds. A drive to the basket from Jasmine to give us the 18-16 win! Well done to all involved!

Mr A Cracknell


The Year 7 boys hockey team played their first match against a Year 7 & 8 Beaumont team. The boys have been training hard with their coach Alice, who is an experienced club / county player herself. The team played some excellent hockey going forward with some good attacking play. However, the more experienced Beaumont team proved too strong and went on to win the match despite some excellent goalkeeping and work in midfield.

The Year 7 girls also played a combined Year 7 & 8 Beaumont team. Again, the experience of the opposition, many of whom are club players, proved too much for the Sandringham team but great progress was made even within the match, as the defence became more resolute and a late goal from Georgia. There was some excellent goal keeping by Hazel and Imogen.

Miss V Borman


Yesterday saw the U13 boys football team bow out of the County Cup at the quarter final stage. A good performance wasn't enough to overcome a very strong Verulam side. We wish them all the best in the next round. 

Mr A Cracknell


Mr A Cracknell


A huge well done to our u16 netball team who finished 4th place in the East Region tournament 2022 . This is further than any other netball team at Sandringham before, so we are so incredibly proud of how hard they have worked. We will be back next year to win it! 

Another County Plate Final for the U15 Netball Team, who beat John Henry Newman 31-22 in the semi finals. An excellent game, with some fantastic play. OPM: Emily CPM and PP: Liv. And another great game for them, with a resounding win of 30-10 over Roundwood Park. OPM and CPM: Emma 

And finally, a fantastic performance from the U13A netball team in their county plate semi-final game vs. Dame Alice Owens, winning 19-6. Onto the final girls! PP - Mia O and CP - Sophie B

Miss K Clark

Sandpit Theatre

Saturday 12th February – Spontaneous Potter 2:30pm (8+) & 7:30pm (16+)

Grab your wands, don your house robes, and apparate yourselves to the box office! A very magical improv show awaits...

The smash hit Spontaneous Potter is an entirely improvised Harry Potter comedy play, based on an audience suggestion of a fanfiction title. Hilarity ensues as an entirely new Potter adventure is magically improvised on the spot - with live musical accompaniment!

Running Time: 60 minutes

Tickets: 2:30pm - £12 / £10 or 7:30pm - £16 / £14

Miss A Carter-Downing

Friday 29th April - Terry Alderton it’s Terry – 7:30pm


“…Unstable and deliciously unexpected” The Guardian

It’s Terry is a brand new knock about show Introduced by the world famous character performer ‘Richie Raganoo’ - who by his own omission, says Terry Alderton is the “weakest character he does. But his most successful!”

It’s Terry has narrative, it’s a throw it up and see where it lands kind of show. So those that Know, Know, and those who don’t…will!

Tickets - £17

Miss A Carter-Downing

We can’t wait to see you back through our doors and we have some exciting shows and films coming up for you this season!

All the latest performances are on our website, www.sandpittheatre.co.uk, and you can keep up to date with what’s going on by giving us a follow either on Instagram & Twitter or give us a like on Facebook, just search for The SandPit Theatre!

Miss A Carter-Downing

Tuesday 22nd February – Senior Recital Evening – 6:30pm

An evening showcasing senior soloists on a range of instruments and voice from Sandringham Students in years 10-13.

This is an opportunity for friends and family to support and celebrate the hard work put in by our senior musicians throughout the year.

Tickets £4/£3

Miss A Carter-Downing

We now sell and accept Theatre Tokens! You can use these tokens to purchase tickets for any of our shows or buy them as gifts to be used at over 260 venues nationwide and in the West End all while supporting theatres including us!

Following Government guidelines, you must wear a face covering while attending The SandPit Theatre and must present a valid NHS COVID Pass or proof of a Negative Lateral Flow Test if aged over 18, unless you are exempt as stated in these guidelines. If you do not wear a mask or do not have a valid NHS Covid Pass/Lateral Flow Test result, you will be refused entry and your ticket will be forfeited.

Our Bar will be open during these performances for drinks and snacks but please note we will only be accepting card payments. Alcohol is available for sale 30 minutes before the shows begin. The box office is open from 11.30am – 3.30pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Alternatively, you can call us on 01727 799565 or visit www.sandpittheatre.co.uk

Miss A Carter-Downing

Saturday 12th March – St Albans Comedy Club – 7:30pm

Chuckle. In association with The Sandpit Theatre bring you the very best in live standup comedy.

Enjoy some of the biggest names in comedy along with our favourite handpicked artists.

Tonight’s lineup includes Sandringham School alumni Nick Helm (Live at the Apollo, 8 Out of 10 Cats) / Esther Manito (Live at the Apollo) / Ben Norris (Mock the Week, “. unbelievably brilliant” - Jason Manford) / Mark Row (A1: The Long Road to Edinburgh on Amazon Prime)

Please note the lineup maybe subject to change.

Tickets are on sale now for just £16.50 each

Miss A Carter-Downing