
We are really looking forward to welcoming all our students back to school next week. You should by now have received all of the necessary information for the return, which includes the timetable of Covid-19 testing before students return to the classroom. There are a few last things to remind everyone about as we transition back into school life.

  1. Our Trust partners, Wheatfields Junior and Wheatfields Infants’ and Nursery School have asked us to remind students NOT to enter their grounds particularly if picking up siblings. Please wait away from the school. This is not because they don’t want to see you, more that in the current circumstances, they need to secure the site.
  2. The Virtual Learning should transition seamlessly back to learning in the classroom. There may be some lessons that are not ‘live’ where students and staff are being tested before returning to school, but we will do our best to maintain the continuity of learning.
  3. Teachers will be focussing on delivering high-quality and inspiring lessons once we return to school and all live virtual lessons will cease from this time. If a child is off school, then they should follow any work that is set on the Google Classroom as per pre-Covid. This will be passive and will lack the richness of what happens in the classroom as I am sure you will appreciate.
  4. Herts County Council have issued guidance to all schools on travelling to school safely. 
  • if you live a short distance from your school or college- please walk, cycle or scoot to and from school wherever it is possible and safe to do so
  • try to avoid sharing a car with anyone outside of your household or support bubble
  • if you are using public transport to get to school or college, plan ahead and allow more time for your journey
  • when you are travelling by public or dedicated school transport, don’t forget to:

           -wear a face covering (unless you are exempt, including if you are aged 11 and under). It is important  you wear them for the entirety of your journey, including inside a bus or train station

          - social distance where possible

         - wash or sanitise your hands regularly

         - be considerate to fellow passengers and staff.

The National Teaching Awards continue to run and should you feel it is appropriate to send a thank you to one of your teachers, there is a simple on-line link where you can do this. I am sure it would be greatly appreciated. The link to follow is :  thankateacher.co.uk/forschools

Finally, thank you everyone for supporting learning at home since January. It is greatly appreciated.

With best wishes,

Mr A Gray

Upcoming Dates

08th Mar - Theme Week: British Science Week
11th Mar - Year 10 PTC

Absence Line

Phone: 01727 799564

Absence Email: (Available 24 hours) absence@sandringham.aat.school

Please report ALL absences before 9:15am on the first day of absence and every morning thereafter.

Mr S Kemp
Assistant Headteacher

Headteacher Commendations


Alice S9JArt
Alya G8AArt
Amy R9NArt
Angelina M8EPhil, Religion & Ethics
Annabelle N7FArt
Anton R8EPhil, Religion & Ethics
Callum W8JArt
Charlee H8FPhil, Religion & Ethics
Charlotte H8FPhil, Religion & Ethics
Chloe G8AArt
Chloe G8APhil, Religion & Ethics
Darcy M8AArt
Dimitri S8FPhil, Religion & Ethics
Eda P8JArt
Eliana S8FPhil, Religion & Ethics
Ella C9JArt
Emily H8FPhil, Religion & Ethics
Emily W8AArt
Eva G8EPhil, Religion & Ethics
Evie R8AArt
Evie R8APhil, Religion & Ethics
Hannah G8AArt
Hannah G8APhil, Religion & Ethics
Harrison S8AArt
Holly W7NPhysical Education
Honey S8AArt
Isabelle P7JPhysical Education
Jack S8AArt
Jake B8EPhil, Religion & Ethics
James O9SArt
Jazmin A8AArt
Jessica K8JArt
Jessica R8JArt
Joe F8JArt
Josie L9SArt
Jumanah Z8APhil, Religion & Ethics
Katherine K7FArt
Katie A9NArt
Khadija K8APhil, Religion & Ethics
Kia M8AArt
Kia M8APhil, Religion & Ethics
Laura H9NArt
Leah G7FArt
Lizzie S8FPhil, Religion & Ethics
Mae B8JArt
Matis W8AArt
Micah O8EPhil, Religion & Ethics
Natalie E8EPhil, Religion & Ethics
Nia V8JArt
Niamh F8FPhil, Religion & Ethics
Nico C9SArt
Olivia D8FPhil, Religion & Ethics
Olly W9NArt
Poppy G8JArt
Poppy R8JArt
Remmi C8AArt
Rhia H8EPhil, Religion & Ethics
Rhianna M9NArt
Sam M9SArt
Sara C8JArt
Sofia A8JArt
Sophia P8FPhil, Religion & Ethics
Soraya E8APhil, Religion & Ethics
Soraya E8AArt
Tabitha D8JArt
Zakira K8EPhil, Religion & Ethics


Keala W8T Music
Lexi S8T Music
Lucy M8N Drama


Isabelle P7JFrench


School News


For the whole school theme this week we celebrated International Women’s Day (IWD). The students received a fantastic assembly from Deputy Headteacher, Dr Creaby, who encouraged the students to consider what we can do to help forge a gender equal world. Despite living in the developing world, there are still significant steps that need to be made to reduce inequality in both law and the workplace as gender stereotypes and unconscious bias continue to prevent true equality between the sexes. We hope that by raising student awareness of gender bias, students will feel confident to take action against inequality and celebrate the achievements of women that may previously have not been recognised. Happy International Women’s Day for Monday! Miss K Wills


We are looking forward to being able to resume some face to face instrumental and vocal lessons over the next few weeks. Some Hertfordshire Music Service teachers will be continuing to deliver their lessons online via the Music Tutors system until Easter. Please check and communicate carefully with your child’s teacher to confirm if your lesson will be online or taking place in school. From Friday 12th March some instrumental and vocal lessons will be taking place in school following the same safety protocols and mitigations we put in place last term.

A huge thank you to the site team for designing and constructing a fabulous new ukulele rack in F6. We can’t wait to welcome students back into the Music faculty!

Mrs E Beaton


British Science Week 2021 starts next week and there are a range of activities that families can participate in at home. Here is a link

Science, Design Technology, Computer Science and Mathematics teachers will be running challenges and activities in Key Stage 3 lessons on the theme of biodiversity, and students will learn more about the worrying state of nature around the world and what can be done about it. You may like to look at this resource with your child; it is the interactive globe that some of the KS3 students will be using to learn more about the issues.

A reminder that students are welcome to join any of the remaining STEM talks from professional scientists, and they will be of particular interest to Years 11 and 12:

Students can sign up here for STEM talks which are shown below or you can contact Mr Tattersall, STEM coordinator (tattersalld@mysandstorm.org) for more details. 

Tues 9th March 3.10pm Dr Paul Williams Topic TBC

Weds 10th March 3.10pm Nicola Aspinall: Making the World Cleaner, Healthier, Safer

Thurs 11th March 3.10pm Shahida Mallah: Biodiversity

Mr D Tattersall


COVID-19 has impacted millions of children's literacy, but according to recent studies, watching TV with subtitles on can double the chances of children becoming proficient readers, and it's completely free! The campagin is supported by Stephen Fry and more can be read here  or your can follow #edutwitter #TurnOnTheSubtitles

Ms J Kirby


In February students in Years 9 to 11 took part in the Intermediate Mathematical Challenge run by the UK Mathematics Trust.  The aim of the UK Mathematics Trust is to advance the education of young people in mathematics. The Challenge is a 60-minute, multiple-choice competition aimed at students across the UK Year 11 and below. This was a fantastic opportunity, offering students the chance to develop their mathematical problem-solving skills, encouraging mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems.  

Overall the school was awarded 6 Gold, 26 Silver and 52 Bronze winners.  Special mention goes to Ralph Whitworth (best in school), Nico Curry (best in Year 9) and  Keerthana Appandairaj (best in Year 10) and to the following students who qualified to take part in the additional rounds.

Angus Houlahan, Dorka Molnar, Samuel Posner, Lucy Topp, Ralph Whitworth , Mario Antona, Nico Curry

Zach Delira-Gunn, Lauren Dent, Finn Kennedy, Roslin McGregor, Sam Muldoon, Jessica Pratt

Congratulations to all those that took part! The next Challenge is the Junior Challenge which is open to students in Year 8 and Year 7 which will take place in April.

Mr K Mauldridge


Congratulations to the senior boys tennis team, Andre, Alex, Chris, Ryan & Ivan who have been pre seeded for the LTA Schools Team Tennis National Finals in July. This is a huge achievement for the boys and recognises their hard work & dedication. 

If you would like to see your child featured in the Student Spotlight, please email melissa.holian@sandringham.herts.sch.uk


As this is our final full week of virtual learning, we thought it would be really good to share again all the virtual recitals we have put on over the last year – all 10 of them! Thanks again to everyone who contributed to these and to all of you for watching and supporting. A huge thank you as well to Mrs Beaton who gathered all of the clips and created these videos. What a wonderful showcase of all the talent we have here at Sandringham School and a lasting memory of the music created during these difficult times. 

Concert Number 1

Concert Number 2

Concert Number 3

Concert Number 4

Concert Number 5

Concert Number 6

Concert Number 7

Concert Number 8

Concert Number 9

Concert Number 10


Mrs E Beaton


There were over 400 entries to the House Photography Competition and we were really impressed with all of them! They will be compiled into a video at some point and shared with you all. Here are the House positions and a photograph from Emily G, the winner in Year 8. The other winners are listed in a separate article. A big thank you to Mrs Kelly and Mr Bloomfield for the help judging and setting up the competition and to all of the students who have taken the time to submit their entries.  

House results based on entries

1st Turing, 2nd Shakespeare, 3rd Austen, 4th Hepworth, 5th Elgar, 6th Newton, 7th Fawcett, 8th Johnson

Mr A Cracknell


With the return to school for face to face teaching, the timetable for Key Stage 3 lessons will revert to two lessons in the afternoon to allow for a split lunchtime. This means that the KS3 lunch will be at 12:15pm with session 4 starting at 12:55pm. These arrangements will apply from Monday 8th March and include days where students are learning from home. 

Mr M Nicholls


FRENCH:    Le mot de la semaine     -    la corrélation
GERMAN:   Die Wort der Woche        -   der Zusammenhang/die Relation
SPANISH:   La palabra de la semana  -  la correlación

Thinking Questions :

  • The French and Spanish translations are very similar to the English and would be classified as cognates. Why might the German be different in this case?
  • The German translation looks similar to another English word that is a synonym of ‘correlation’. How can we use synonyms to help us in our language learning?
Miss F Baikie


Ali D and Niyati Y in Year 13 are fundraising for student mental health. They are running 27 miles across 27 days this March, for the 27% of students who report a mental health problem. They are both running the miles individually (so 54 miles total) and have separate pages for donations. If you would like to donate to this worthy cause then the pages are below. 


and givepenny.com/asadarbandi_27_27


In memory of Captain Sir Tom Moore, Hertfordshire School Games Organisers challenge you to "do 100." This can be 100 star jumps, mountain climbers, 100 seconds of a gym pose. You can be as inventive as you like and take pictures using the hastag #herts100. Enjoy!


Every week the Mathematics Faculty publish a puzzle for you to try.  For every entry you will receive 1 housepoint, if you answer correctly you will win 2 housepoints and if you are the fastest person to answer the puzzle correctly then you will win 5 housepoints!  To enter, simply scan the QR code and fill out the google form.  Good luck!

Miss H Fryer


D5 is named after Khaled Hosseini, an Afghan-born novelist, physician, activist, humanitarian and UNHCR goodwill ambassador. 

Hosseini was born in Kabul in 1965, the eldest of five children to a diplomat father and a high school teacher. From an early age, Hosseini showed great flair for writing stories and when the Russian invasion of Afghanistan took place in 1980, the political asylum that they were granted in San Jose would  provided the inspiration for his later novel, The Kite Runner.

Despite enjoying writing, Hosseini decided to pursue a career in medicine originally, graduating from UC San Diego School of Medicine in 1993. After practising medicine for 6 years, he returned to California and started writing short stories again. In 2001, The Kite Runner was published and received the Borders Original Voice Award, the San Francisco Chronicle Best Book of the Year Award, and the South African Boeke Prize.

In 2006, Hosseini was named a goodwill envoy to the United Nations Refugee Agency and his second novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns, was published shortly after following his observations of women wearing burqas. And the Mountains Echoed was published in 2013, exploring the issue of siblings separated when a through adoption and he has since established The Khaled Hosseini Foundation which provides humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan. 

Hosseini continues to write novels containing vivid depictions of the human psyche, and covering important tales of love, loss, betrayal, and redemption set against and Afghan backdrop. His stories not only highlight issues related to his birth place but also transcends Afghan values covering themes of (in his words) "guilt, friendship, forgiveness, loss, and desire for atonement, and desire to be better than who you think you are."

"But better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie."


To mark World Book Day on Thursday, all teachers started their lessons by sharing their favourite ‘Sandringham Reads’ books with their classes. Hopefully students have been inspired to read some of the books that they have heard about! More information about all of the ‘Sandringham Reads’ books can be found on the Google Classroom, which can be joined using the class code: 5ukzdug. Here students can also submit reviews of the books that they have read - each review receives a reward too!


Ms K Bulbeck


Individual Winners of the House photography are as follows (the winning pictures are featured above:)

Year 13: 1st: Robert Brown 13S, 2nd: Daisy Charnock 13E, 3rd: Theo Kerr 13E

Year 12: 1st: Naomi Gheriani 12A, 2nd: Penny Kyriacou 12E, 3rd: Dylan Catterfeld 12N

Year 11: 1st: Amelie North 11S, 2nd: Zoe Hamp 11E, 3rd Samuel Posner 11S

Year 10: 1st: Seb Dazeley 10H, 2nd Grace McMurray 10J, 3rd Antonio Penetra 10N

Year 9 1st: Michael Bird 9N, 2nd: Herbie Mckillop 9F, 3rd: Finn Kennedy 9A Special Mentions: Lauren Presland and Roslin Mcgregor

Year 8 1st Emily Gardner 8S, 2nd Lizzie Stagg 8F, 3rd Sophia Parsons 8F

Year 7 1st Rhys Holgado 7A, 2nd Cerys McPartlin 7J, 3rd Isabelle Promod 7J  Special Mentions Charlie Lester, Thibault Walker, Emily Thompson, Jacob Edgell

Literacy News

Word of the Week

C is for… correlation [noun]

Definition: The relationship between things that happen or change together.

Example: Correlation is not causation, and gender inequality is just one symptom of the real problems in these societies.

Synonyms: Interaction, Interrelationship, Parallel

Antonyms: Difference, Disconnection, Imbalance

Etymology: From the Latin from ‘cor’ meaning together and ‘relatio’ meaning bring back.