
This is our first Sandprint of the year and I wanted to take the opportunity to explain how communications will be managed for the foreseeable future.

During lockdown we sent e-mail communications daily to begin with, and then moved to twice weekly. We are very much hoping that now we are back into a school routine, there will be less immediate communications required so plan to revert back to the weekly Friday SandPrint. There may be separate e-mails where specific information is sent out, as we would have done previously.

The DfE have now published updated guidance to schools and also to families on arrangements for this term. The link to the document can be found here https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/whatparents-and-carers-need-to-know-about-early-yearsproviders-schools-and-colleges-during-the-coronaviruscovid-19-outbreak/what-parents-and-carers-need-toknow-about-early-years-providers-schools-and-colleges -in-the-autumn-term

There are a few minor adjustments but nothing that has not already been considered by the school or involves a change of plan. I would recommend you take the time to read it when you have a moment.

So far, our new year 7 and 12 students have settled in quickly and are already getting to grips with the oneway system. We welcome 240 year 7 students and 255 year 12, of whom over 80 have joined from other schools. It is lovely to see young people back in school again.

We have not published the usual detail on examination results because of the very different nature of outcomes this year. What I can say is that our students performed incredibly well at both GCSE and A -level, meaning that they are able to progress on to the next stages in their education or employment. With 169 moving on to University, and 24 taking a gap year, our year 13 from last year have finally been able to sort out their lives after the unfortunate change of direction following the issuing of the computer calculated grades. We wish them all the best for the future. The overall results would place Sandringham in the top categories of mixed comprehensive schools in the country if performance tables were run. We should be rightly proud of the achievements of our young people and the exceptional work they put in to their studies up to the point of school closure. Well done everyone!

Finally from me, can I remind you of the significant drive to get everyone travelling to school in a sustainable way. Since most students live locally, then walking or cycling should be the method of travel. There is an exclusion zone around schools, including Sandringham, and if anyone does need to drive then they should park outside this zone (sent to you yesterday) and walk the remainder of the way in.

Whilst this year will be different from previous ones, we will do our very best to make it the usual happy, interesting and inspiring place that it makes Sandringham so special.

Mr A Gray

Upcoming Dates

08th Sep - 6:30 PM Y12 Virtual Info Evening
09th Sep - 6:00 PM Virtual Open Evening
15th Sep - 6:30 PM Y13 Virtual Info Evening

Absence Line

Phone: 01727 799564

Absence Email: (Available 24 hours) absence@sandringham.aat.school

Please report ALL absences before 9:15am on the first day of absence and every morning thereafter.

Mr S Kemp
Assistant Headteacher

Headteacher Commendations





School News

FO$S News

At the end of term Fo$S held a second hand uniform sale and raised an amazing £1025. Thank you so much for all your support. More news about upcoming Fo$s events coming soon.

Lockdown Exhibition

At the end of term, the Visual Arts Faculty produced a fantastic video showcasing of all the beautiful artwork that students have produced during lockdown. In case you missed it, we have included the video link again which features photographs, paintings, sketches, models and even a crochet rainbow square which took over 50 hours to complete! Thank you to all of the artists who submitted the work and to Mrs Barnett and Ms Leto for producing such a lovely memory of this time.

https://drive.google.com/file/ d/1TJuZQGP_4DMV-sBQyNKx4o5Ukfv3T5V3/ view?ts=5f140b30

Student Spotlight

In the Sandprint every week we run a feature titled “Student Spotlight” where we highlight the achievements of an individual student at Sandringham School.

This can relate to success within the school (be it academic, sports, arts or music-related) or it can be something that has been achieved outside of school/ helping within the community.

If you would like your child to be featured please email Melissa.holian@sandringham.herts.sch.uk including a short piece of text and a photograph if you are happy for it to be included.

This week, we feature Anneline P in Year 10.

On the 12th March, days before total lockdown, Anneline P went to the French institute to pass DELF diplome étude langue française level B1. She passed with flying colours scoring higher than 80%.

Following that, during lockdown while completing online classes, Anneline prepared for DELF B2, which she passed after a grueling 4 hours of written and oral examinations in London. Her sister, Lucile P in Y11 also passed the same exam with both girls achieving a 70% pass.

Congratulations to both girls on working so hard and such fantastic results!

Cars and Waiting Outside School

A reminder to all families that students must walk or cycle to school if at all possible. If you do need to drive, HCC have requested, and we fully support this, a car exclusion zone around all schools to allow children to walk as far apart as possible and not be concerned about traffic congestion. Please DO NOT drive close to the school – but respect the clearance zone. Traffic wardens are on patrol and will issue fines. More importantly, there is the moral imperative for us to all help out in this way. Please also note that you are not permitted to park on site to collect your child.

Secondly, can we ask any parents waiting for their children not to stand directly by the front gate. This causes a log-jam where space is a premium for free-flow. Please wait away from the entrances/exits.

Thank you for your help with this matter.

English News

In July, the English faculty announced the title for the World Class Schools, annual essay writing competition. This year’s highly topical question, set by Sarah Jayne Blakemore, Professor of Psychology, University of Cambridge is:

‘School classrooms look the same across history and across countries. But is the classroom the best way to educate future generations in the 21st century?'

What would the ideal education system look like?

A number of students took the opportunity to start writing their essay during the summer holiday and we have already received some final entries. If you have not yet started, you still have time! We invite all students currently in year 9 or 10 to write an essay of no more than 2500 words in response to the question. The Sandringham deadline for submissions is Monday 21st September. A panel of teachers will judge entries, prizes will be awarded and a number of our strongest submissions will be entered into the national competition where those shortlisted will be judged by Professor Blakemore. Successful students will be invited to attend an awards ceremony in London which will take place in December.

The picture above shows last year’s winners celebrating. This is a wonderful opportunity and we look forward to reading your essays. If you require any further information or support, please email Mrs Nicholls.

Mrs A Nicholls

Maths Puzzle

The Mathematics Faculty will be running a Puzzle of the Week starting next Monday. To get you warmed up, below is the one they sent out before we went into lockdown. Who can solve the puzzle the quickest in your house every week?

Welcome Year 7

Yesterday, we welcomed our lovely year 7’s who had a very busy first day at Sandringham School. The pupils arrived wearing their new shoes and school uniform and spent most of the day in their tutor groups getting to know each other, diving into their first lesson, and throughout the day asking any pending questions they had about their journey ahead. The first year group challenge was announced as a game of Tenable. Who will be the winners? And who will be terrible at Tenable…

Pupils coped extremely well with the new set up and the one way system around school, as well as remembering to sanitise hands entering and exiting classrooms. Please remember that pupils can choose to wear a mask when walking around corridors and the school site. No consequences will be given for this but must remember to take the mask off correctly and safely store it in their bag before entering classrooms.

We hope everyone had a fantastic day! Looking forward to the next 7 years and making memories with you all.

Literacy News

Word of the Week

S is for… scrutiny [noun]

Definition: The act of carefully examining something especially in a critical way

Example: The notion of traditional schooling is coming under scrutiny.

Synonyms: Analysis Review Perusal

Antonyms: Glance Cursory look

Etymology : From the Latin word ‘scrutari’ meaning to search. This originally meant to sort rubbish deriving from ‘scruta’ meaning rubbish.